(my vision board is full of things I would like to realize in 2009 and beyond. Exploring liturgical art, travelling the world, opening the doors on a creative facilitation center, public speaking, becoming more active, appreciating my family, finishing my book, meeting Oprah and Melissa Gilbert and her son, welcoming abundance into my life, and marketing my own hot fudge recipe.)
As we all know so well, the new year is a time for resolutions and planning for the new year. Many people will make some luke-warm commitments to lose weight, stop smoking, save more, and on and on. My January 15th, their commitment has lessoned, and by February just as the smell of Ben Gay has worn off and the fresh fruit and vegetables are beginning to mold in the refrigerator we lose interest and return to our old habits.
So, how do we make some of those goals stick. Well, I like many others are very visual people, so why not take a very popular tool these days and make your goals visual as well. Make a Vision Board! All the rage, you have heard them talked about on Oprah, in the news on online. A simple tool, you can quickly and easily create one today.
How do I start?
1. I like to start with making a list of all of the things I am grateful for, the things I love within my life right now and how they make me feel.
2. Take the things you wish to attract to yourself, make a list or collection images which represent them to you and how they will make you feel when you achieve or are actively living them.
3. Find a board, canvas, piece of construction paper, bulletin board, or portion of a wall, and begin arranging the photos which represent these goals to you.
4. Location, location, location. Place your vision board in a place that you will see it every day. Ideally, take a few minutes each day, uninterrupted to really look at it, feel the emotion you will feel when you are living the life portrayed on your vision board. Evaluate the days plans, what are you doing today to get yourself closer to those goals, those feelings?
5. Update as necessary. As you progress through the year, feel free to add or remove items to reflect your changing wants and needs. A vision board is a work in progress.
Remember, your vision board doesn't just need to be personal, what about sitting down with your team or office and making a vision board for your department or business? You may have written initiatives, or talked about goals, but can you really visualize them? Are you reminded each day as you enter your office why you are there? Build your dreams, create a vision board.
Jodee Bock: Your Already Know this Stuff Mini Vision Board