Well, it's that time of year again, time to throw out some resolutions that we may or may no keep. For many of us, we make the same resolutions year after year, more exercise, lose weight, be happier, save more money, blah, blah, blah. And each year about this time, we realize that we have failed miserably, fallen off track, and vow to once again declare that this year will be different.
Are we aiming too high? Do we just not under have the willpower to keep going? Did we set the bar too low? Maybe we are just focusing on the wrong things?
This year I am proposing something a bit different. A new way to set those resolutions for the coming year, with hopes that they will actually stick. I call it the "Whole" framework. WHOLE stands for "Watch How Our Lives Evolve" The concept is that you look at 10 different areas of your life and find one thing that you can work on in the coming year, small things that will begin to evolve your life into that which you dream of.
Because we all know how you eat an elephant....one bite at a time, if you are so inclined to eat elephants. We all have dreams that the new year will bring wonderful new changes in our lives, but big changes, like a journey of 1,000 miles begin with just one single step. Commit to Whole-ness in ten different areas of your life this year, it doesn't have to be a huge change, only something you are willing to commit to for an entire year. Maybe you focus on one each month, or all at once, but pick ten things.
And the categories are.....
1. Mind: Take a class, learn something new, read (or listen to) a book, watch a documentary, but commit to something to broaden your mind. Maybe it is just taking the time to research the opposite side of an issue you are passionate about to try to better understand.
2. Body: This is the one that seems to already get the most attention, lose weight and exercise, makes most peoples list. My challenge isn't to put a number on the weight you want to lose, or the miles you want to run, just just commit to one thing that is healthy. Some small changes that can add up are: taking a multi vitamin each day, drinking 8 glasses of water each day, visit the doctor for a checkup, find out my cholesterol levels, find one healthy recipe I can eat each month, maybe just to be able to do one pull-up. Find one thing and focus on that.
3. Spirit: You might choose this to be religious or not. In my mind, this is about what lights you up inside, makes you smile, laugh, skip or sing. This is about choosing to be happy, loved and whole. Maybe it is meditation, blowing bubbles, listening to a comedian, holding a baby, having coffee with a friend, or just spending time in nature.
This can be your spouse, significant other, child, parent, friend that you want to have a better relationship with in the coming year. Find a way to connect with them; a vacation, date night, notes around the house, coffee, regular phone call, or just doing something for them to show your appreciation.
Choose either your immediate or extended family, if there a relationship you want to help mend or enrich, a tradition you would like to help start, memories you want to help preserve? Find a way to focus on family. This can be as simple as sitting down for weekly supper together, game night, maybe one night without TV, a picnic, emailing an old photo sharing your memories with family.
We are all called to do something, as a career, as a volunteer, as a homemaker. Find one thing that you can do to become better at what it is that you are called to do; do an online tutorial for a new software program, organize your files, join a networking group, commit to being on time for meetings, keeping your office clean, or making an effort to get to know your co-workers better.
We all live in a community of some sort, and all communities have needs. What can you do to become more aware of the needs of your community and how you might best serve them. You don't have to commit each and every spare moment to cleaning up the roadsides, or feeding the homeless, but there are plenty of ways to help your community like; volunteer if you have time, donate canned goods to the food pantry, visit a community member in the hospital or nursing home, offer to take someone to a doctors appointment or babysit for a child, donate clothing, bake cookies, sandbag, or just hold open a door for another at the mall.
But what can I do for the state? There are so many things you can do and they begin with being a good representative of our state. How much do you know about your state? How do you speak about living where you do? Do you point out the wonderful things or are you perpetually complaining about the weather, the people the landscape. Find something beautiful about your state and share it with others. Invite them to visit, shop at locally and businesses who choose to operate in the state you live in. Maybe just commit to visit a city that you haven't explored yet.
A lot of the same principles apply to nation as they do to the state, but we have one more opportunity to make a commitment to our nation, that is to vote. Regardless of who you choose to vote for, take some time to educate yourself on the candidates and cast your vote, it is your responsibility. We also vote in a number of ways each time we make purchases, choose to support our nation by making purchases that support our national economy.
We live in a global society, and the choices we make today can have long-term impacts on the world for years to come. There are a lot of simple things we can do, which have a cumulative impact on our environment; turn off a light when you aren't using it, bring your own shopping bags to the store, buy a reusable water bottle, plant a tree, recycle something, find new uses for something you already have, and simply don't buy something that you don't need, don't love, or doesn't make you truly happy.
There you have it, 10 things, the outline for your New Years Resolutions. They can be as simple as a few minutes a week or month, can you commit to Whole-ness in 2012?