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Viral infection...

Over the past year, there has been a lot of talk of "viral marketing," and then over the past week or so the talk has moved to another "viral," swine flu (actually H1N1 which is part bird flu). The word many have feared Pandemic now commonplace in media as the numbers of confirmed infected and even the first US death hit the airwaves.

I ran across this today and though it was an interesting way to to convery information, and I love the fact that it is visual as well. What appears to be an implementation of Google Earth and plotting suspected, and confirmed cases as well as deaths, information about how this virus is spreading is fascinating to watch. Check out the http://www.idemc.org/ website to get the latest.

So, while this a great visual way to track infectious diesase, does it have other applications as well. What about your viral marketing campaign. Maybe it is just your website traffic, visitors,  registrations, etc. but using available technologies to plot out how information spreads, how we are connected, really helps you visualize your "tribe."


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