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Sincerity & Integrity

This is a quote that I came across years ago, and had at one time included it in my email signature.

I think what made it resonate with me so strongly is that there is much talk and touting of various companies about "service." Yet, when I find myself stepping back and acknowledging really great service. Why does that stand out so distinctly?

There is much scripting in business today, is there room for true sincerity? Is there person taking your order at the fast food restaurant really hoping you have a great day, or just going through the motions? Doing what they have been instructed to do.

I have had some great encounters recently, and all with small locally owned businesses. Chatting with the owner, building a relationship, connecting on a personal level. Being offered real "service."

While efficiencies are great, and scripting can be helpful, it is the time spent with a customer, talking with them, connecting with them, that builds lifelong customers and friends.

Take the time, know your customer, and don't let the best "service" they get be in the "self-serve" lane.



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